/ · 1 year ago·

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Available priorities as a list. Each list item should be just a single uppercase letter.

+begin_src scheme

(defvar org-priorities '("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F") "A list of priorites from which the user can select. The order here is how they will be displayed, but don't affect the order when creating the agenda.")


+begin_src scheme

(defvar org-use-tag-inheritance #t "Whether or not tags are inherited for the purposes of search and filter. By default this is true.")


+begin_src scheme

(defvar org-log-done 'time "What to do when the state of an item is changed to a done state. This can be either 'time (to add a CLOSED line with a timestamp) or #f")

(defvar org-log-repeat 'time "What to do when the state of a repeated item is changed to a done state. This can be either 'time (to log the state change) before going back to a todo state or #f")

(defvar org-todo-repeat-to-state #f "Set this to a state, e.g. TODO, if you want a task state to be reset to something specific when marked as done and there is a repeat modifier on a date.")

(defvar org-log-into-drawer #f "The name of the drawer to log state changes and clock/timer entries to. If set to #f then don't log state changes into a drawer. A sensible name for this is LOGBOOK.")

(defvar org-log-done-transition #t "If #t then log a state change to a done state. This will only work if modifying an existing item.")

(defvar org-repeat-update-show-banner #t "Set this to #f if you would rather than have a banner shown telling you of the new date for a repeating item when the state is set to done.")


+begin_src scheme

(defvar org-todo-action-keywords '() "A list of keywords to use for TODO action states. If empty then the value entered on the Settings tab is used.")

(defvar org-todo-done-keywords '() "A list of keywords to use for TODO done states. If empty then the value entered on the Settings tab is used.")


An item template can be applied when quick capture is initiated within beorg itself (i.e. not via the extension). In the future a user interface will be implemented to allow easier definition of these templates.

+begin_src scheme

(defvar item-templates () "List of pairs, first item in pair is template name followed by template definition. Templates can also be defined using a beorg extension.")

(defvar template-allow-spec-in-url-scheme #f "If #t then the template parameter in the capture URL scheme can specify the template parameters and not just an existing template")

(define template-text-toolbar-items '(("icon-left" (backward-char)) ("icon-right" (forward-char)) ("icon-change" (show-transform-commands))))

(define template-date-toolbar-items '(("icon-help" (alert "Help" "In most cases the toolbar buttons will insert what is needed. The minimum required to specify a date is a number of days from today. For example, 0 is today. If you want tomorrow then type 1. Optionally this number can be followed by a unit - h (for hour), d (for day), m (for month), y (for year). If you want a date+time for 1 hour for now then enter 1h.\n\nAfter the relative number of hours/days/etc from now has been entered you can optionally provide a flag to say that the time should be included. For example 1t (or 1dt) means in exactly one day from now, i.e. the time is also included.\n\nFinally you can specify an absolute time. For example, 1t1300 means tomorrow at 1pm.")) ("icon-left" (backward-char)) ("icon-right" (forward-char)) ("Today" (insert "0")) ("Today+time" (insert "0t")) ("In 1 hour" (insert "1h")) ("Tomorrow" (insert "1")) ("In 1 Week" (insert "1w")) ("Today at 13:00" (insert "0t1300"))))

(define template-macro-toolbar-items '(("icon-help" (alert "Help" "There are various macros available (toolbar buttons are defined for each) which are expanded when the template is applied to a new item. For example you might want to insert the name of the current month - in which case the %monthlong% will insert January or February, etc.")) ("icon-left" (backward-char)) ("icon-right" (forward-char)) ("icon-change" (show-transform-commands)) ("Now" (insert "%now%")) ("Today" (insert "%today%")) ("Year" (insert "%year%")) ("Month, e.g. 01" (insert "%month%")) ("Month, e.g. Jan" (insert "%monthshort%")) ("Month, e.g. January" (insert "%monthlong%")) ("Week, e.g. 1" (insert "%week%")) ("Day, e.g. 18" (insert "%day%")) ("Day, e.g. Mon" (insert "%dayshort%")) ("Day, e.g. Monday" (insert "%daylong%")) ("Hour" (insert "%hour%")) ("Minute" (insert "%minute%"))))



+begin_src scheme

(define filter-table (make-hashtable equal-hash equal?)) (define (filter-add name predicate) (if (and (string? name) (procedure? predicate)) (hashtable-set! filter-table name predicate) "name expected to be a string and predicate should be a procedure")) (define (filter-match name item) ((hashtable-ref filter-table name (lambda (item) #f)) item))

(defvar filter-include-default #t "Whether or not the built-in TODO filters should be shown")

(defvar filter-min-chars 3 "The minimum number of characters that need to be entered for a search string to be acted upon.")


+BEGIN_SRC scheme

(defvar outliner-state-todo-font "Menlo-Bold 17" "The font to use for TODO state in the outliner") (defvar outliner-state-done-font "Menlo 17" "The font to use for DONE state in the outliner") (defvar outliner-state-todo-color "#628395" "The color to use for a TODO state") (defvar outliner-state-done-color "#555555" "The color to use for a DONE state") (defvar outliner-headline-font ".SFUIDisplay-Medium 17" "The font to use for the headline") (defvar outliner-headline-color "" "The color to use for the headline, leave as empty string to use color from theme") (defvar outliner-notes-font ".SFUIDisplay 17" "The font to use for the notes") (defvar outliner-notes-color "" "The color to use for the notes, leave as empty string to use color from theme")


  • Keyboard shortcuts

    +BEGIN_SRC scheme

    ;; Tab bar (define-command-title "tabbar.agenda" "Show Agenda") (define-command-title "tabbar.todo" "Show TODO") (define-command-title "tabbar.files" "Show Files") (define-command-title "tabbar.settings" "Show Settings") (define-command-title "" "New item") (define-command-title "" "Templates") (define-command-title "tabbar.repl" "REPL") (define-key "tabbar" "s-1" ".agenda") (define-key "tabbar" "s-2" ".todo") (define-key "tabbar" "s-3" ".files") (define-key "tabbar" "s-4" ".settings") (define-key "tabbar" "s-n" ".new") (define-key "tabbar" "S-s-n" ".show-templates") (define-key "tabbar" "S-s-r" ".repl")

    ;; Agenda/TODO (define-command-title "" "Next item") (define-command-title "agenda.previous-item" "Previous item") (define-command-title "" "Open item") (define-command-title "agenda.toggle-search-focus" "Toggle search focus") (define-command-title "" "Saved searches") (define-command-title "" "Today") (define-command-title "" "Next week") (define-command-title "agenda-weekly.previous-week" "Previous week") (define-command-title "agenda-weekly.goto-week" "Goto week") (define-key "agenda" "" ".next-item") (define-key "agenda" "" ".previous-item") (define-key "agenda" "" ".open-item") (define-key "agenda" "s-f" ".toggle-search-focus") (define-key "agenda" "S-s-f" ".show-saved-searches") (define-key "agenda-weekly" "s-t" ".today") (define-key "agenda-weekly" "s-" ".next-week") (define-key "agenda-weekly" "s-" ".previous-week") (define-key "agenda-weekly" "s-g" ".goto-week")

    ;; Saved searches (define-command-title "saved-searches.done" "Dismiss") (define-command-title "saved-searches.add" "New search") (define-command-title "" "Next search") (define-command-title "saved-searches.previous" "Previous search") (define-command-title "saved-searches.use" "Use selected search") (define-command-title "saved-searches.edit" "Edit selected search") (define-command-title "saved-searches.delete" "Delete selected search") (define-key "saved-searches" "" ".done") (define-key "saved-searches" "s-n" ".add") (define-key "saved-searches" "" ".next") (define-key "saved-searches" "" ".previous") (define-key "saved-searches" "" ".use") (define-key "saved-searches" "s-e" ".edit") (define-key "saved-searches" "s-d" ".delete")

    ;; Files (define-command-title "" "Next file") (define-command-title "files.previous-file" "Previous file") (define-command-title "" "Open file") (define-command-title "" "New file") (define-command-title "files.delete" "Delete file") (define-command-title "files.rename" "Rename file") (define-command-title "files.toggle-pin" "Toggle pinned status") (define-command-title "files.toggle-search-focus" "Toggle search focus") (define-key "files" "" ".next-file") (define-key "files" "" ".previous-file") (define-key "files" "" ".open-file") (define-key "files" "S-s-n" ".new") (define-key "files" "s-d" ".delete") (define-key "files" "s-r" ".rename") (define-key "files" "s-p" ".toggle-pin") (define-key "files" "s-f" ".toggle-search-focus")

    ;; Item editor (define-command-title "" "Save changes") (define-command-title "item.cancel" "Cancel changes") (define-command-title "item.headline" "Headline") (define-command-title "item.file" "Move file") (define-command-title "item.state" "State") (define-command-title "item.priority" "Priority") (define-command-title "item.tags" "Tags") (define-command-title "" "Scheduled date") (define-command-title "" "Deadline date") (define-command-title "" "Show on date") (define-command-title "item.notes" "Notes") (define-key "item" "s-s" ".save") (define-key "item" "" ".cancel") (define-key "item" "s-e" ".headline") (define-key "item" "s-r" ".file") (define-key "item" "s-1" ".state") (define-key "item" "s-2" ".priority") (define-key "item" "s-3" ".tags") (define-key "item" "s-4" ".date-scheduled") (define-key "item" "s-5" ".date-deadline") (define-key "item" "s-6" ".date-showon") (define-key "item" "s-t" ".notes")

    ;; Text editor (define-command-title "" "Save") (define-key "text-editor" "s-s" ".save")

    ;; Text editor toolbar (define-command-title "editor-toolbar-items.icon-list" "Start a list") (define-command-t